18th Birthday Cake
18th birthday cake
The greeting “Happy Birthday” might just be one of the top favourite phrases in the world, just like how birthdays are such special events in our lives. Children reach the peak of happiness in their birthdays, however as they grow up us adults tend to forget the joy of birthdays and many break the tradition of celebrating such a wonderful event. Despite this, for all of us there are a few important elements that make a good birthday. Gifts are a necessity for happiness, and so is spending quality time with those you love. Of course, no birthday is complete without a delicious cake! Read along today as we find the origin of this tradition, and see how you can order your birthday cake online for your daughter, son, brother, sister….or perhaps yourself!
What is the History of 18th birthday cake?
Where did the tradition of birthday cake 18th actually come from? Well, as surprising as it might be, this is an original Aussie celebration! Celebrating the 18th birthday properly is a big deal and an old tradition in Australia. This celebration is mainly to acknowledge entering the legal age of adulthood in Australia.
Some of the legal features of turning 18 in Australia that are worth celebrating include:
- the right to vote
- buying alcohol
- claiming a full driving licence
- leaving home
- getting married
- having kids
Well who wouldn’t love to celebrate all these amazing features that
have just been introduced into their life! In Australia, an 18th birthday is perfect to celebrate with family and friends, not just having a great time, but also making memories to last a lifetime.
What is the most popular type of 18th birthday cake?
Your 18th birthday is all about you…right? Yes, it is, which is why your cake should also be customized to be perfect to your likings. And of course, we’re all different, so there will be thousands of different designs, some with different flavours and looks and some with the same!
Generally speaking, if you are completely lost about what cake to choose, some good options could include a rich Chocolate Strawberry Cake, or even the classic Red Velvet Cake!
At the end of the day, your birthday means your cake, which means your choice!
Pre-Order your Personalised 18th birthday cake in Adelaide
What better than a personalised 18th birthday with your own pre-ordered personalised delicious cake?
With personalised cakes the most important part is to pre-order, (obvious in the name but so many people actually forget!). This means speaking to the baker and ordering your cake AT LEAST a week prior to the delivery date. Why you ask? Simply to give your baker enough time to make the perfectly personalised cake for you to enjoy!
If you are lost trying to find a good place to order from, try googling searches such as “18th birthday cake shop near me” or “18th birthday cake online delivery “.
With the right search and the right budget, you can find the perfect pick in the matter of minutes!
What factors influence the price of Personalised 18th birthday cake?
Usually the type of decoration, flowers and the size of cake are the main influences on the price of your cake. However, at Azidelicious we believe that quality and price both matter, which is why we make our cakes premium, while offering a reasonable price.
The Azidelicious birthday cake price guide can help you set a reasonable budget:
18th birthday cake 1 layer – $60-$80
18th birthday cake 2 layer – $120-$150
18th birthday cake 3 layers – $150-$250
Delivery and payment for 18th birthday cake in Adelaide
Delivery and payment is something we all worry about when doing any online purchase; however, it can actually be quite simple!
Very few organisations offer same day delivery, however most of the time next day delivery is available. Another common misunderstanding is that delivery is too expensive which isn’t true (at least not with Azidelicious!)
When it comes to payment, most of the time online card payment is the case, however sometimes even cash payment is available!